Notice of Infringement of Your Rights

As we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material or products on our site or mobile app violates your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, please submit your complaint through this form. You must be legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the trademark or copyright.

To submit a notice of alleged infringement with us, you will need to provide us with the following information:
Trademark issue
URL or SKU number(s) for related product(s)
Trademark or description of trademark
Trademark application or registration number (Optional)
Date that you first used the trademark
Link or files showing use of trademark
Copyright issue
Description of copyright
URL or SKU number(s) for related product(s)
Copyright Registration Number (if applicable)
Date of first publication (date the work was first made available to the public)
Link or files showing the copyrighted work
Link or files showing creation of the original work
Utility patent issue
Description of utility patent
URL or SKU number(s) for related product(s)
Patent Registration Number
Country of Patent Registration
Link or files showing registration
Court order or judgment supporting your claim
Design rights issue
URL or SKU number(s) for related product(s)
Design Registration Number (if applicable)
Country of Design Registration
Link or files showing registration (for registered designs)
Link or files showing creation of original design (for unregistered designs)
Includes design patents, community designs and industrial designs